Unlimited Potential (UP) is a new, free program to be offered by Detroit African Youth
Development Organization (DAYDO).
Development Organization (DAYDO).
UP will provide social services that enable low-income
families and individuals to obtain the skills and knowledge they need to become economically
self-sufficient, civically engaged, and to live in dignity and decency.child
families and individuals to obtain the skills and knowledge they need to become economically
self-sufficient, civically engaged, and to live in dignity and decency.child
Take Yourself To The Peak Level
Social Adaptation Support
It is tremendously difficult to relocate to another country. Immigrants uproot their lives and move across the globe daily. Even though the process may seem worthwhile and well-suited, there is an undeniable set of challenges and circumstances that often await. DAYDO helps West African immigrants and second-generation West Africans make a smooth t ransition to
an unfamiliar culture. When newcomers are supported by peers or have programs and networks  in place, they have far greater success and achieve optimal settlement and positive outcomes. Each UP participant will have a mentor that provides ongoing support and guidance related to social adaptation. One hundred percent or 50 participants will be assigned a mentor. Each mentor will meet in-person or virtually with their mentee for a minimum of 2hours each week
for at least one year. Each mentor will undergo mentor training using Mentor Michigan
Classes and Workshops
UP will offer citizenship classes, English as a Second Language (ESL) classes, computer classes
and health literacy workshops. Group classes and one-on-one options are available to accelerate learning. Classes will be offered in-person, but the curriculum is flexible enough to transition to online learning if necessary. Each UP participant will complete an assessment to establish gaps that can be filled through classes and workshops. Citizenship Classes Citizenship classes will be offered to help people navigate the naturalization process. UP will help prepare participants for the citizenship exam and interview. Participants can continue taking
the class until they pass, and one-on-one tutoring is available if needed. Citizenship classes will meet for 3 hours each week for 12 weeks. We anticipate 40% of UP participants will require
this service annually.
Skill Development and Education Support
Adult Basic Education
UP will form partnerships with existing programs that support adult education, high school
diploma and GED acquisition, earn and learn training, industry certifications, etc. These
programs are available in the community. However, immigrants and second-generation West Africans can face barriers to enrolling in existing programs. We will reduce the barriers by
raising awareness about the current opportunities and walking UP participants through the enrollment processes. We anticipate 75% of participants needing and accessing this service. Credential Conversion
The workforce development system is not equipped to address the needs of highly skilled immigrants in low-paying jobs, which can include foreign-born individuals with secondary and post-secondary degrees earned abroad. To find employment that meets their education and skill levels, they must navigate complicated systems to validate their foreign credentials or find
alternative pathways if the licensing and certification obstacles are too great. UP will help participants complete a credential evaluation to determine U.S. equivalency for degrees obtained abroad and support them with preparing for U.S based resume writing and interviewing. We
anticipate 20% of participants leveraging this service.
Parenting Training
Learning never stops. We like to teach the kids enrolled in our program that learning is a lifelong undertaking. The same is true for parents. Learning new and innovative strategies on how to parent our children can sometimes be essential. Today’s world is different than it was 10 years ago. The times are changing fast. At Detroit African Youth Development Organization, we are prepared to help all parents evolve with the times and discover new strategies for successful parenting.
Legal/Financial Support
Filing legal and financial paperwork such as tax forms correctly can be confusing and daunting.
Completing documents incorrectly can cause delays and/or rejections. UP participants will
receive guidance and advice from legal and financial consultants to support them with
completing paperwork accurately and in a timely manner. These resources are available
throughout the year. However, increased resources are available during tax season. We
anticipate 100% of UP participants will take advantage of this resource. We anticipate offering up to 180 hours of support annually.
Support for Business Owners
Many West African immigrants start their own businesses using skills that they developed in
their country of origin. However, often they are not familiar with the licensing requirements or
lack formal training in business practices. The lack of knowledge results in a business that is not
generating the capital it could or in the worst-case scenario operating illegally. UP will offer
coaching and guidance regarding business ownership, practices, and available funding
opportunities. We anticipate 20% of participants leveraging this service.